11. September 2001
Thomas Friedman und die Einbildungskraft
... und ein Buch über den 11. September,
das der National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States vorgegriffen hat Von David Hartstein (Mai 2002) 
Thomas L. Friedman: A Failure of Imagination? 
Correcting the Record on Sept. 11, in Great Detail, NYT
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed: The War on Freedom - How and Why America was Attacked September
11, 2001
Final Report of The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States:
The System was blinking red 
Public Statement Release of 9/11 Commission Report /
The Hon. Thomas H. Kean and the Hon. Lee H. Hamilton, July 22, 2004 
The Collapse of Standard Operation Procedures on September 11
Chapter V of War On Freedom (May 2002) 
9/11 "Conspiracies" and the Defactualisation of Analysis / by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed 
Wie Henry Kissinger dabei gestört wurde, auf eine wichtige Frage zu antworten (11. September 2001, gegen 15 Uhr 45, Frankfurt am Main, Alte Oper) - Video Real Player