Attempts to Assess AIPAC (after its March rally) & Repercussions With Friends like these ... (Uri Avnery, 14.1.06)
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
By John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt Working Paper Number:RWP06-011 Submitted: 13.03.2006
So pro-Israel that it hurts Daniel Levy in Haaretz
“The second U.S. war against Iraq has already unveiled itself as the most nonsensical war in American history. The American public will
eventually have her fair share of ‘shock and awe’ discovering the subversive, yet spineless, influence of a neo-conservative cadre in
trying to shape the Middle East. This book will range among the foremost contributions to the final account with the ‘velociraptors’.”
(From the blurb of “Behind the War on Terror: Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle for Iraq”. Summer 2003)
Memos and Reports about Misdirection and Misdemeanor: A Case for Article II, Section 4 of the US Constitution
A Legal Assessment on the Margin / More on Misdemeanors
The Downing Street Memos / How Congress gets involved
Australia and the Rise of China as a Function of American
Post-Industrial Decay By James Cumes
Meet Uncle Sam - Without Clothes... By Andre Gunder Frank, 06.01.05
Behind Bush II’s ‘War on Tyranny’
By F. William Engdahl, 12 February 2005
Washington Interest in Ukraine:
US Intervention for 'Democracy'? By F. William Engdahl
Jahrbuch 2004
Will Fallujah be Iraq‘s Bunker Hill? By Henry C. K. Liu, April 28, 2004
From Guernica to Fallujah / Pepe Escobar in Asia Times
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968, Volume XIX, Arab-Israeli Crisis and War, 1967
Jahrbuch 2003
Vierzig Jahre der Irreführung
The responsibility of the President, therefore, is especially great. He must serve as a catalyst, an energizer, the defender of the public good and the public interest against all the narrow private interests which operate in our society. Only the President can do this, and only a President who recognizes the true nature of this hard challenge can
fulfill this historic function.
I believe that our system of checks and balances, our whole constitutional system, can only operate under a strong President. The
Constitution is a very wise document. It permits the President to assume just about as much power as he is capable of handling. If he
fails, it is his fault, not the system`s. I believe that the President should use whatever power is necessary to do the job unless it is expressly forbidden by the Constitution. (John F. Kennedy, 1960)
Gettysburg, 19. November 1863
Der Krieg, der das Zeitalter der Supermacht beenden kann /
Von Henry C K Liu, 5. April 2003
The War that may end the Age of Superpower By Henry C K Liu, April 5, 2003
The war that could destroy both armies By Henry C K Liu, October 23, 2003
Behind The War on Terror
Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle for Iraq
By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Part One The 1991 Gulf Massacre
Afterword: Europe and the political geography of global confrontation. A world system perspective on “Behind the War on Terror” By Arno Tausch
Advance Praise - North America Edition
The Project for the First People‘s Century / Motivation and Declaration of Principles
Coup d‘ Etat in Washington
and Silent Surrender in America and the World (...and no counter-coup in sight.) / By Andre Gunder Frank
American Power: A great debate has just begun / What are neo-conservatives?
/ By F. William Engdahl (Nov. 2002), author of Mit der Ölwaffe zur Weltmacht
American Dreams: Intellectual Roots of Neo-conservative Thinking / By Khurram Husain
An open letter to an adept of Leo Strauss: To my former Dean... (Media Monitors)
Deflating “esotericism”: The secret that Leo Strauss never
revealed (In Asia Times)
The Economist adds a footnote to the deflation of Leo Strauss: (Inverted, perverted?) “...transatlantic relations not too bad after all...” - Really?
Fiefdoms of Darkness / Greg Palast on the prehistory of a blackout
Civil-Military Relations and Military Disobedience (by David Lutz) and Seymour M. Hersh: The Battle between Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon
11. September 2001
Thomas Friedman und die Einbildungskraft Von David Hartstein
Thomas L. Friedman: A Failure of Imagination?
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed: The War on Freedom - How and Why
America was Attacked September 11, 2001
Chapter V - The Collapse of Standard Operation Procedures on September 11
9/11 "Conspiracies" and the Defactualisation of Analysis / by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States / Fifth public hearing on "Emergency Preparedness" November 19, 2003
Former UK Minister Michael Meacher on 0911
Wie Henry Kissinger dabei gestört wurde, auf eine wichtige Frage zu antworten (11. September 2001, gegen 15 Uhr 45, Frankfurt am Main, Alte Oper) - Video Real Player
Mit der Bahn von Berlin nach Bagdad
von F. William Engdahl
(Auszug aus “Mit der Ölwaffe zur Weltmacht - Der Weg zur Neuen Weltordnung”)
Yet another retrospect on the Permanent (Gulf) War: Third World War: A Political Economy of the Gulf War and New World Order
by Andre Gunder Frank
USA 1942 - 2002
Eine Rede am 8. Mai: Henry Wallace, ein Alter Ego Franklin Delano Roosevelts, 1942 im New Yorker Madison Square Garden und die Zwerge in beider
Schatten / Von David Hartstein
Der Preis des Sieges der Freien Welt: Henry A. Wallace am 8. Mai 1942 im New Yorker Madison Square Garden
The Price of Free World Victory: Henry A. Wallace (May 8, 1942, New York Madison Square Garden)
The Way to Peace: Henry A. Wallace (September 12, 1946, New York Madison Square Garden)
Portrait of a Diarist in The Price of Vision - The Diary of Henry A. Wallace 1942-1946 / By John Morton Blum
Vor dem Krieg gegen Irak
Resolution 687 - Braucht der Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen neue Resolutionen zum Irak?
Golfkrieg 1990/1991 - Geopolitische Anmerkungen
American Scrummage
oder: Herr Genscher wird etwas schwerhörig
Nationale Sicherheit
Daniel Yergin: Das Evangelium der nationalen Sicherheit
Vorbereitungen für den am Horizont aufgehenden Krieg
Sir H. A. Kissinger
Zwei Charaktere in Amerika
Unsere Dokumentation zu Henry Kissingers Eitelkeit und Leere
(»vanity«) ist mit einer prompten und bitteren Zuschrift beantwortet worden, die uns ein Absolvent von West Point zugeschickt hat.
Globalisierung und die Rationierung des Rechts auf Leben
Von Georg P. Christian
Nemesis für imperiale Eitelkeit? Auch Sir Heinz Alfred Kissinger ist ein 68er.
Henry Kissinger: Spuren seiner Kriegsverbrechen
Von Christopher Hitchens (Deutsche Übersetzung)
[Auszug aus: Ch. H., »The Case Against Henry Kissinger. Part
One: The Making of a War Criminal«, in: Harper<s Magazine, February 2001, p.37-44]
Generalprobe: Das Geheimnis von 1968
The Case against Henry Kissinger
The making of a war criminal / By Christopher Hitchens
(Excerpts quoted from Part One of Christopher Hitchens` Report The Case against Henry Kissinger, The Making of a War Criminal, in
Harper`s Magazine, February 2001)
There exists, within the political class of Washington, D.C., an open secret that is too momentous and too awful to tell.
Although it is well known to academic historians, senior reporters, former Cabinet members, and ex-diplomats, it has never been
summarized all at one time in any one place. The reason for this is, on first viewing, paradoxical. The open secret is in the possession of both major political parties, and it directly
implicates the past statecraft of at least three former presidencies. Thus, its full disclosure would be in the interest of
no particular faction. Its truth is therefore the guarantee of its obscurity; it lies like Poe`s »purloined letter« across the very aisle that signifies bipartisanship.
Book Review in Asia Times: Vietnam: The ghost still haunts America
No peace, No honor, Nixon, Kissinger and betrayal in Vietnam - By Larry Berman, Free Press
A quarter of a century after the fall of Saigon. the ghost of the Vietnam War still haunts the United States. Coming to terms with
its first defeat in its short 200-plus year history is proving a long and painful process for the only remaining superpower.
Regarding Henry Kissinger
Am 22. Februar fand in Washington im National Press Club eine Podiumsdiskussion statt, bei der vor allem die Frage diskutiert
wurde, inwiefern es überhaupt ein gültiges internationales Recht (über das Völkerrecht zwischen den Staaten hinaus) gebe, nach
welchem Handlungen Henry Kissingers be- und verurteilt werden können.
Nachfragen zum deutsch-amerikanischen Verhältnis
zu einer Rede des Koordinators für die deutsch-amerikanische Zusammenarbeit im Auswärtigen Amt, Karsten D. Voigt, bei der
Einweihung des Center for German and European Studies an der Universität von Wisconsin in Madison am 30. September 1999 / von Peter G. Spengler
Liberty is Power
Auszüge aus einem Kapitel der Biographie von Lynn Hudson Parsons: John Quincy Adams, Madison House, Madison, Wisconsin 1998