Andre G Frank
SvZ Net 2009
Studien von Zeitfragen
43. Jahrgang - InternetAusgabe 2009

Andre Gunder Frank


Andre Gunder Frank / 24.02.1929 - 23.04.2005

Message from his sons / Ein alter Brief an Willy Brandt
An obituary by Patrick Manning, World History Network

His Last Essay
Meet Uncle Sam - Without Clothes...
By Andre Gunder Frank, 06.01.05

Paper Tiger in Washington. Fiery Dragon in the Pacific

Andre Gunder Frank in Historia Actual On-Line

Überdehnung der US-Ökonomie &
Militärisch-Politischer Rückstoß?

Andre Gunder Frank`s Publications on the Web



Knopftransp groß



Obituary for an ATol contributor
Andre Gunder Frank (1929-2005)
By Jeff Sommers

Patrick Manning, World History Network

Lorenz Jäger in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

A Note on the Death of André Gunder Frank
by Samir Amin

André Gunder Frank: Most cited economist / by Theotonio dos Santos